Majestic and Jungle70‘s “Creeping In the Dark” was an UK hit earlier this year, and while the original was a stunning collaboration between the dance world and the UK rap scene, Drum n’ Bass legend Danny Byrd has decided to put his very own spin onto the already spectacular track. 

Taking the acid influences that were already prevalent in the original version, Byrd slows down the lyrics, building and teasing for an entire minute before he lets the song go bonkers. The new version has become a rave-ready anthem built to make the audience go absolutely nuts. It’s fast paced and in-your-face, the best kind of mentality for a track of this caliber. 

“Creeping In the Dark” is the first glimpse of Majestic’s production chops, with his EP for the track coming out through MistaJam’s Speakerbox Label on October 14th, and is available for preorders. However, he’s produced under a few aliases besides his experience as Majestic, and if “Creeping In the Dark” is any indication, his next tracks are going to be a definite crowd pleaser. Danny Byrd, the longtime veteran, has been ripping each club and stage apart with songs like this one for years. He currently  has shows planned all over the UK. 


Majestic & Jungle70

Creeping in the Dark (Danny Byrd Remix)

  • Speakerbox
  • October 14, 2013