I always enjoy stumbling across a quality cover, especially a hip-hop track, that can make me debate over whether I like the original or the cover more. With just my luck I came across the Gentleman Hall cover of Kendrick Lamar‘s “Bitch Don’t Kill My Vibe” that nails the production without missing a note. This is the boy’s first recorded cover, surprising the unexpected listener tenfold.

The track involves a large backing of woodwind instruments, maybe even a pan flute, topped with decadent strings to emanate the original hit. This one is perfect for the indie rock/hip-hop enthusiast who indulges in the finer parts of recreating music. Gentleman Hall hits the road November 1 for a tour with Third Eye Blind, hit their website for info on where they will be!


Gentleman Hall

 “Bitch Don’t Kill My Vibe” (Cover)

  • CA Management
  • October 22,2013