<iframe width=”100%” height=”350″ scrolling=”no” frameborder=”no” src=”https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcloud.com%2Fplaylists%2F3057648&color=224477&auto_play=false&show_artwork=true&show_comments=false”></iframe>
<div class=”dm”><h5>Prize:</h5><p class=”pm”>
The Grand Prize winner will receive an $100 iTunes Gift Card, 2 year SoundCloud Pro account, KORG Legacy Collection, a featured spot on Korg’s social channels and website etc, track will be certified as an Official Track, and shown on Polyshare as KORG Official and your remixed track will be pre-installed in the next iPolysix update. 5 runners up each receive a $50 iTunes Gift Card, 1 year SoundCloud account, KORG Legacy Collection, featured spot on Korg’s social channels and website etc plus track certified as an official track.
<div class=”dm”><h5>Rules:</h5><p class=”pm”>
<span style=”color:#AA0000;font-weight:bold;”>Requires iPolysix to enter for iPad which costs $14.99.</span> By participating in the contest, each entrant irrevocably grants the sponsor the right to use each such entrant’s name, photograph, image, track, biographical information. Participants can enter with up to six tracks.
<div class=”dm”><h5>Remix Parts and Submission Method:</h5><p class=”pm”>To enter this remix contest you need to own the iPolysix app for iPad or iPhone and choose one of the original tracks provided by Korg and composed entirely on iPolysix. Entries should be submitted digitally through Polyshare within iPolysix making sure you add P6 at the head of your track name when uploading your remixed track. For example, “P6 (Your track Name)”.