Track Name: 
Forget About Drugs
Closing Date: 
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
<div class=”dmt”>
<iframe width=”100%” height=”166″ scrolling=”no” frameborder=”no” src=”;color=224477&amp;auto_play=false&amp;show_artwork=true&show_comments=false”></iframe>

<div class=”dm”><h5>Prize:</h5><p class=”pm”>
5 selected remixes will be released on SpeedSound Records. In addition 1st place will receive a Chemical Art samples package and the chance to remix one more special project. 2nd and 3rd place will receive a
Chemical Art samples package.

<div class=”dm”><h5>Rules:</h5><p class=”pm”>
Remix can be in any style. Your remix should incorporate at least six sounds from the remix folder and be at least 6 minutes. All copyright section of the original, remix sounds folder and all remix done by using them belong to Yehiel Hubara (Chemical Art)

<div class=”dm”><h5>Remix Parts and Submission Method:</h5><p class=”pm”>
To get the remix pack by email you have to fill out <a href=”!submission/c31r” target=”_blank”>this submission form</a>. Your completed remixes should be uploaded to SoundCloud as a 320Kbps MP3 file and shared to <a href=”” target=”_blank”>the Chemical Art Facebook page</a> including your full name, what software you used to create a remix and indicate that it is for the remix competition.