
Wanna DJ at Coachella? It’s simple, get some friends to generate power and you can spin a 30 minute DJ set. Read on…

From Green LA Girl:
You may remember Global Inheritance for its environmental theme park Environmentaland, public transit friendly concert series Public Displays of Affection, or its Re:cycled Tweets social media fundraiser. Thanks to the nonprofit, concertgoers have been able to get to Coachella by train, charge up cell phones with bicycle power and enjoy eco-themed art installations.

This year, Global Inheritance plans to make even more green noise at Coachella with the Sweat Shop, an initiative that gives eco-minded DJs a chance to spin on equipment juiced up by human power. Would-be DJs have to recruit a dozen friends to ride bikes and see-saws, turn hand cranks, and run on hamster wheels to power their music career, literally!

Have 12 friends ready to sweat it out at Coachella? Email sweatshopMIXER@globalinheritance.org with your website for consideration. If you’re chosen, you’ll need to reserve your spot with a $50 deposit — which will be refunded after you and your friends successfully power and perform your set.

via: Green Girl LA.